Monday, October 10, 2005


Gavin's favourite thing to do these days is watch his brother's play hockey. We are taking him out on the skates this week for the first time. He is excited to "pay hockey". It should be cute...
He desperately needs a haircut. I don't want it cut too short though.(He needs to look like a little hockey player!) Just a little to tidy it up. He's become quite sassy these days. Last night when we were eating supper, Gavin was chattering up a storm and Scott said, "Gavin less talk...concentrate on eating!" to which my 2.5 year old answered, "I not talk to you I talk to Seamus!" We all tried not to laugh! This morning he was tormenting his older brother. Scott came down to referee and said, "Gavin, behave yourself. Do you want a spanking" Gavin answered with, "No Sank You daddy!" and walked off. It certainly is the terrible twos. Every morning he comes jumping into our bed (at 6:19 am) and bellows at the top of his lungs, "Nanna-nana, Nanna-nana, ElmoWORLD!!!" He is quite the alarm clock. It's all worth it though. He still melts my heart when he says, "Hub-U Mommy!" (Love You, he can't say his "l's" yet!!)
My 3 boys are my fireflies!!
Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

i know what you mean about the fireflies. no matter how crazy it gets with Kamryn, how stressed or angry i get...she's the love of my life.

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