Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Going to the Chapel

Big news for today. After dinner Jonas had to tell us "sometin" important.
"Mommy and Daddy, guess what happened to Shay on the bus!"he giggled.
"Not sure hun, you better tell us!" I answered.
"Emily...kissed him! Yep, she sure did, just like this!" To which Josey demonstrated in the air a big mouth smacker of a kiss. And then he giggled.
"Yeah she kissed me,"sighed Seamus, "and NOW she says she has a crush on me!"
"Oh boy!"daddy exclaimed.
Jonas quickly ran over to Scott leaned over and tried to whisper (not very well I might add) "Daddy I think she's the one Shay's gonna marry!" We all laughed. Even though Jonas was quite serious.
Like I said big news for us today. My son's getting married, according to Jonas.
I am just getting ready for bed, but had to share this little story. Every time I think of Jonas leaning over and whispering I start to smile.
I love my boys! All 4 of them!
Good night!


Karen Schmautz said...

My youngest son would gag just thinking about some girl (aside from me, of course) getting too close to him, let alone kissing him...EWWWW

Ottawa Pocket Watches said...

RE your comment on Ro's blog. We don't have time or money for war in Canada. Chretien, Martin and their cronies are too busy lining their pockets and planning their escape.

Weary Hag said...

This too is a precious post! Keep those stories about the little ones rolling in. I really get a kick out of them and enjoy your writing tremendously!

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