Spring has sprung folks!!! Scott and I spent a mini fortune the past couple of days on gardening stuff, including seed for the lawn. He's on a grass kick(not the smoking kind either!). I think he's inherited the "green grass" gene from his Grandma. Must be something to do with him being 1/100 Irish(his mom's mom is Irish, his mom's dad was Czech and his dad's dad was Swedish and his Granny is Welsh(maybe?)Okay sorry about the genealogy there, I got side tracked. Does anyone know...Oh wait...I'll save that for my next post I promised Julie...
Back to grass...He's obsessed with having perfect grass. So we went to Ctire the other day and dropped a wad on all sorts of gardening goodies. It makes me want to be out in the gardens. I have SO much to do outside. We got most of the back forty cleaned up. We have another couple of truckloads of stuff that needs to be hauled away to the dump. In the next couple of weeks we are going to stain the deck(if the weather cooperates) and paint the doors. I am SO excited because I get to have a RED front door. With the red door we are getting new hardware, new lights and a new mailbox!! Okay...I can't contain my excitement...I must let out a scream!! AAAAAAh!!!! Life is good.
And it gets better!!! We found the stain we have been looking for the past couple of months for the bannister and Scott did it yesterday and today. At first a bluish tint was still coming through(after sanding)and I was a little disappointed. After he did another coat this morning I just about had a Big O!! Seriously the color was exactly what I wanted! So I have been boring everyone and their dog about the colour of my bannister.(it's basically black now...but it looks sharp folks...just smashing!!!)I love the fact that I have the husband I do(obviously for many many reasons). We sat today and I had a drink drink(ceasar) and he had a beer and we stared and admired our bannister. Then we discussed all of our colour schemes and plans...it was a devine day pour moi!!
Mr and Mrs. Lockmaster came over this afternoon to show us their new toy. Oh, I mean Ma and Pa came over with their new ATV. Scott has renamed them the Lockmasters, because they seriously have 85 locks for this ATV. My mom has color coded them all, so it will be (somewhat) easier for my dad. We had a couple of chuckles at their expense over the locks and my dad dropping keys and fumbling. It's better to be safe then sorry. Unfortunately they learned the hard way when their last ATV was stolen. So I agree they must err on the side of caution. They look cute though. Tonight they were going ATV'ing. I have to say when I'm 60, I want to be riding the back trails as well!!
I hope it's a nice day out tomorrow. I'm going to garden if it is.
Anyhow that's all that's new with me.
Hope you all had a great day!
3 years ago
1 comment:
Love this post Jenny. I'm looking forward to getting out in the yard to do Spring Cleaning! It would be nice to have a little extra cash and hopefully that pans out so I can get the yard looking like I want. Love the stories about your parents and great visual on the locks!!
Take care,
xo Pen
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