So this morning...accepting defeat I decided I better go and get some new tweezers. I felt if I waited one more day I'd end up looking like this guy...

I was in Shoppers for about 20 minutes trying to decide what kind of tweezers I wanted. It's a tough choice trying to find the exact(or close to it) replacement for your fave brand. I decided on one that was a mid price range. It ended up costing me $19.
I could barely contain my excitement as I got in the house. With a coffee in hand and tweezers in the other I quickly found my favorite tv show and began to do the whipper snipping.
Whoa it was bad. I was into a few minutes of my facescaping when I felt a slight annoyance in my buttocks.
"What the heck?" I thought to myself.
I tried to squirm around and all of a sudden I felt a poking, stabbing sensation.
Immediately I jumped up...
I found my missing tweezers...settled in the pincushion of my butt!
The tweezers must have fell underneath the fabric of our futon.
...I ended up spending an unnecessary $20 on tweezers.
So I officially have an heir and a spare!
ROTFLMAO!! Well you're set now and glad you found your faves! I've stashed mine in theh office pen holder.
i am sorry for stearing you wrong...ok now i will laugh..hahaha that was soo funny...U so always make me laugh...and btw your the best. lol"pulled it outta my ass"lol
I haven't dropped by your blog in a while....just wanted to say "hi" and thanks for the recent comment on my blog. I'm glad you could relate...and I want to encourage you to keep looking at the positives in life. Life is much more fulfilling that way!
Oh, and I think tweezers are like bras. When you find one you really like you should really go back and buy 10, then losing them wouldn't be that big of a deal. Not like you lose a bra, but you know what I mean ;)
Jen you are such a dork, only you would rush to the drug store and spend $20 on tweezers, ONLY you:) Too funny:) Amy
almost pee'd my pants laughing! love you to bits!
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