Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hello everybody!
All is semi well in my household. I have a terrible sinus cold that is making me not feel very well. Oh well...such is life.
Yesterday was a busy day. I just wanted to veg out on my couch and drink tea, but of course, we had hockey bright and early(7:45 am ice time)and then all the normal Saturday running around. Josey had a birthday party in the early evening and Seamus had a friend stay over...
I just wanted some down time. But...them are the breaks!!
Nothing else is new or exciting. I had a hot bath last night and decided how I was going to paint my bathroom. Yay!! I get free reign over that room, which is shocking, but Scott said I can do whatever I want. I'll post the paint colour in the next few days.
I'm also changing the computer room a bit. I'm repainting the mask wall. I want it to be a little more dramatic.
Nothing else to share...
That's my simple life for the past couple days.
All is well.
Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny.., my doctor recommends advil cold and sinus.It works awesome and the cool thing is it is non drowsy.Hope you are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

there is nothing smiplistic about and raising minds to rule to world...(opps sorry to many kids shows are starting to show through me)haha Sorry about the sinus cold i hope it wasnt from the windy walk!...maybe today you'll get some joni..

BluEyedFool said...

Hi Jenny,
Sorry to hear your under the weather and hope your back to feeling good soon.

I'm leaving tomorrow for Vancouver so won't be around for the week. Take care of yourself and talk to you soon!!

Gwen said...

Okay, I am starting to feel an overwhelming desire to see your house. I've never met anyone who paints as much as you do!

Gwen said...

^ ^ ^ ^
That was meant in a postive, "wow, I bow down and kiss your feet, may I be your slave" kind of way. Painting is very, very good.

Jenny said...

I mostly dream of paint colours and what I will do to my rooms...there are a whole bunch of rooms that still need to be painted!!

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