Monday, November 06, 2006

Too Cute

I just had a moment. I seem to forget at times how little my son is. He's not small, but he's a little boy. I just looked down at his skates and was smiling from ear to ear at their size.(9)
I didn't show the proper scale when I took the picture. The skates above are Jonas' old skates (13) so they don't look that much bigger.
Anyhow, I gotta go and pick up my boys.
Be sure to check back later. I will be revealing the before shots of my Ugh-ly pantry. Oy...So I'm officially entering the 30 day organizing challenge.
Inspired by Laura, I cleaned and semi-organized my entry way closet this weekend. I still need to buy some shelves, baskets, pull-outs etc, but everything is tidy and now I know what I need to fit in the closet.
Gotta go!


Tanya said...!! Good for you! Someday, I'll get around to that too...organizing this place.

Jenny said...

Hey Tanya, yeah I have been pretty busy. I have been trying to find places for everything. I got the entry way closet cleaned out and for the time being it's good. Scott and I have to figure out what shelves, baskets and organizers we need for it....ahh...
Anyhow I'm trying to decide on a colour for the entry way. I want to get it painted, change the fan etc.
Oh and I'm starting to work on my pantry. I was going to post the pics last night, but I did a big post and I can't post pics with IE, so maybe will do that tonight...

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