Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The last few days have been busy. Slowly but surely I have begun to pack some boxes. I have got all the pictures, the expensive breakables (not too many unfortunately) and some of my collectibles packed. I have also packed three bookshelves. Oh the joys of moving!!!
We had the kid's open house last Thursday evening. Both were excited to show us their respective classrooms. We decided to visit Seamus' class first. As we were walking down the hallway, he said, "I've been practising a speech!" and smiled. We entered the classroom and Seamus led us to the teacher.
"Mrs. Locke," he began nervously, "I would like to introduce you to..."
He looked over at me. A tear began to stream down my face. All of a sudden I was brought back to 8.5 years ago when I held him for the first time.
"I would like to introduce you to..."he stammered, stumbled and tried to finish this sentence. Now two tears were streaming down my face..."my parents Scott and Jenny!" He turned around and his eyes were brimming with tears and his face beet red.
We made our introductions. Seamus and I exchanged an embarassed smile back to each other. Josey looked over to Scott and said, "what the heck was that about?" to which Scott just shook his head.
Seamus showed us his work with pride. Of course, he is doing excellently. I began to read his journal and was taken with this particular entry.
Why do I love my house? I love my house because the house is so filled with love. Even when my mommy is yelling at my dad for fishing too much!!
Don't you love the brutal honesty of children? We laughed over that entry. The picture was kind of funny too...
The next stop was Jonas' classroom. We began to walk over to the other side of the school. Suddenly Jonas began walking differently. He was strutting. As he walked into his classroom I began to imagine the "Saturday Night Fever" theme song playing. If only he was dressed in a white tux. He could have given Travolta a run for his money with this strut. He strutted into the classroom. He had no speech rehearsed. Instead, as we entered, he bellowed, "HEY MRS. SHARPE, this is my mom and dad!" He smiled and sauntered to his desk.
Jonas showed us his work and he is doing well. We talked with the teacher and went over with our concerns and she gave us some suggestions. It was a good visit. As a treat for both doing well we went for a blizzard afterwards! (Not great for the diet!! Oh well...)
On Monday Seamus came home with his new spelling words. I read them over to him and he recited the correct spellings back to me. We pretend he is in a spelling bee competition so when he recites the word, he repeats the word, spells it and then repeats it again. (Okay I know I am a spelling geek!!) We got to the bonus word and began to spell Cornucopia. At the end of the word he got a little confused but we worked on a way to remember the "ia". Jonas was watching curiously.
I thought this was the perfect time to explain the benefits of studying and learning. I told both boys how with a proper education the boys could be whatever they wanted to be. Seamus then explained how he wanted to be a teacher. We asked Jonas what he wanted to be. He responded by saying, "I need more time to think about it!"
Last night before I went to school we were all hanging out in the living room.
"Shay spell cornucopia for daddy" I instructed.
Scott looked amazed. "Cornu..what?" he asked.
"Cornucopia..."Seamus began..."C-O-R-N-U-C-O-PIA! Cornucopia. It means an abudants!" he smiled.
"What's an abudants?" Jonas asked.
"A lot!" Seamus replied. "Mommy says if we study hard we can be whatever we want to be. That's why we have to try hard in school!"
Jonas piped in. "I have thought about lots and I know what I want to be when I grow up!"
Scott and I looked on curiously....we waited in anticipation. Maybe this would be the driving force to get Josey to be a little interested in his school work.
"I have thought about it, and I want to be...Darth Vader when I grow up!"
We just smiled and shook our heads. I am not ready to burst that bubble yet.
When the boys left he said, "You will have to be the one to help Shay with his spelling. I know I couldn't spell that word. I'll be able to help Jose with living his dream of being Darth Vader!" We both laughed.
My mom stayed over for 2 nights. My dad has gone to Montreal for business. Yes the man I describe can attend grown up meetings. Although I wonder. He phoned the other day and when I answered he yelled into the phone, "Need to speak to Mom!"
I handed the phone over to my mom. With my dad you don't need a speakerphone. He speaks, or rather, yells very loudly.
"Danna, can't find my toothbrush. I need to brush my teeth!" I began to laugh. Here is a grown man who is on the other side of the country and has to phone his wife for his toothbrush.
"Well, it's in the second pouch on the bottom of your day pack!" A moment paused. "The second pouch!" she instructed.
"Found it. Talk to you later!" He hung up the phone.
My mom continued on with playing with Gavin. I needed to say something. So, of course, I did! "Mom, dad didn't even ask you how you're doing?" I asked.
"Oh yeah. He needed to find his toothbrush!" Obviously not concerned. Later that night I told Scott of the funny phone call.
"I would have just bought myself a new toothbrush!" Scott answered. I think most people would have.
Gavin entertained my mom during the day when she was here. He has become an incessant chatterbox. In the mornings (I got to sleep in!!) he would talk non-stop with my mom.
"Hey Gamma, yook me, I fy!" I heard at one point. I also heard my mom yelling, "Not off the table!"
The other day after Scott went to work, as Gavin watched him drive out of the driveway, Gramma asked, "Where has daddy gone?"
"Work!" he replied.
"Why does daddy go to work?" she asked.
"Money...for Walmart!" he answered matter of factly.
We laughed. Probably because it is close to the truth.
I am on a full force diet again. I went off my diet for a couple of weeks and I have felt just awful. I am feeling healthy (somewhat) again.
Anyhow nothing else in new or exciting. The weather has been brisk. I have even had to put the furnace on. (gasp!!)
I must leave to work out on the elliptical.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet. ~James Openheim
Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

LEA said...

Hey lady, this post made me laugh and cry all at the same time. I miss everyone so much. And I hope one day Steve and I could make it out your way to visit. I would hate to wait another two years to see you guys. But life happens. Tell everyone I say hi and I love you guys lots.

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