Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Caillou Visits the Pediatrician

Just had one quick thought for the day. I was just watching Caillou with Gavin (for those who don't have little children you won't get the point I am trying to make) and it occurred to me that it is really bizarre that this kid is the only one on the cartoon show that is cue ball bald! He is 4 years old! Everyone on the show has hair! It would have made more sense to make the dad bald. Kids could probably relate to a daddy having no hair (I know my kids can!just joking!) Anyways the song to the show should play like this: "I'm just a kid who's 4, I haven't hair no more, I'm pure bald, I'm Caillou!"
Like I said the show perplexes me: Why make a 4 year old bald? Moreover, why is he the only one on the show who is bald? There should be an episode where Caillou's parents explores the medical reasons for his baldness: "Caillou Visits the Pediatrician."
As previously noted,it is the little things in life that make things interesting!
That's my thought for the day!
Enjoy your day!

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