Scott bought me the lovely Willow Tree Plaque. During dinner he selected some cheesy romantic music. He even put on Barry White's version of "Let's get it on". Of course I told him we had to dance but we ended up laughing our asses off. It was a nice night spent with my gorgeous husband.
I even included the picture he took of me. We took one of each other but it was so bad, that we deleted it. He looked like a grease monger and I looked like....bad!
Anyhow I am feeling way better. My head cold has almost gone away. Scott got the entry way finished!!! Yay!! He got all the corners and edges matched perfectly. He didn't have to climb up on the top of the closet...thankfully! It's nice that it's finished...finally. Now all I have to do is get a new light to replace the fan and put up the pictures and it's all good to go!! Yay!!!
That's about all the news for me. I'm so sick of this rain!!!
I'll post some more tomorrow morning. I have two that I'm working on...oh crap...don't expect anything great...
Have a good night! I'm off to drink a cup of coffee with my man and watch "Hollywoodland". Last night we watched "the Departed". It was a great movie!
Anyhow have a great evening.
Way too much food...and I should have taken
the picture without the flash on. It obviously
wasn't that bright while we ate!
Some Pretty Flowers!
My present...pretty!!
haha just seeing if comments was working or what? sometimes i do that to my phone..yup still works, guess no one is blogging..haha good post btw..glad you had a nice night..i am so glad you and your hubby are buds..its so nice huh. chat soon.
Nice pics! I love that Willow Tree stuff.
I may need your paint expertise....really. I may.
I haven't had chinese forever! that pic of all you guys ate is making think i may want some!!!
I didn't know you had braces...when did you get those? Joe and I have been talking a bit about it for him. are they lots of work? I just wonder if he could actually handle them!
i LOVE the willow tree!~ my sis has a good collection going of it. do you collect willow tree?
how's tanya? i can't get on her blog anymore.
Joni, I was actually seeing what my new profile pic looked like...LOL!!
Sarah, I got braces 3!!!years ago this July. It was the BEST decision. My teeth were starting to crowd and my bite was not aligned properly. I don't regret it one bit!
Chunks, your house looks beautiful! What a serene setting!!
that looks incredibly YUMMY!!!!
i'm really beginning to LOVE M&M's.
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