Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Nickelback - Far Away

I'm missing my husband right now...(not sure why...he's only gone to work for the day...damn moods of a woman on the moon!!)
We take for granted that their will be a tomorrow...live for the moment and embrace today.


Christy said...

Love that song! And I have those kinds of moments all the time..that's love for ya!

Crystal said...

awww that made me cry.....great song!

Chunks said...

Oh Jenny, nothing is so bad that it should make you have to listen to Nickelback!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love that band soo much,that song always brings tears to my eyes,as it reminds me so much of how much I miss my family.

Jenny said...

Chunks...too funny!!
Yeah I was a sappy menstruating freak today!!
Poor Hubby...he walked in from work and I looked at him and said(while crying)"I love you!"
Then scott said, "what's up?"(while ready to run for the hills)
"Nothing...I just love you so much and missed you today!"I cried.
"Oh I forgot...you're on the rag!" and he sauntered off...

Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Hadn't seen that one yet.. yup I'm bawling here too! Doesn't help that my good friend has a Hubby who's a fire fighter!

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