Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Philosopher Kid

We had an excellent weekend with Scott home. We went on a couple of long walks, did a major spring cleaning on the inside and the outside of our home, and went fishing. On the way to go fishing Scott mentioned that he hoped we got a fish. Jonas piped up, "it's not about catching the fish daddy, it's all about having fun!" A philosopher at the age of 5, who would've thought?
Our fishing expedition was uneventful in catching fish, but eventful in other matters. The first spot we walked into was washed out with the water, so we had to head back to the van and try somewhere else. But where? After a long discussion (Scott seems to discuss these things things for quite the time) we decided to try the Skeena at Ferry Island. When we reached our destination Shay noted that "the river looked like chocolate milk, " which Scott replied, "well, I don't think we'll be catching any today, we'll think of today as a practise day!"
And practise we did. I was having fun with Jonas' new fishing rod. "Hey Guys, look at me!" I boasted, as I cast way across the river."Betcha you can't beat that cast," I added to Scott.
Everyone was watching me now, so I knew I had to outdo the last cast. I swung the rod pretending I was trying to do a grand slam instead of a fishing cast when suddenly, CLUNK!! The reel made a horrendous sound, and wouldn't reel in.
"Oh crap, " I said cowardly as Scott quickly approached with the "Scott" look on his face.
"Oh crap is right!" Scott added as he quickly realised the reel was hooped. After a few minutes we decided that "surely" there must've been a malfunction with the fishing reel (it could not have been me who broke it? Could it?!) and Scott decided that it would be better for me to use an Adult rod.
"You can't break this one, it's even Ross proof!" he added sarcastically.
I started casting out into the Nestle Quick river. Within my second cast I felt a tug, and a pull.
"I've got something hun!" I yelled hysterically. Oh, I had something indeed. The biggest snag I could've hooked into. I tugged and pulled to no avail. Desperately I decided to cut my losses and was going to cut the line when Scott shrieked, "Give it to me, that's a five dollar lure you're going to lose!" So he stood there at the river bank for 10-15 minutes, tugging and pulling, and finally, he did indeed save the life of his precious $5 lure! Scott amazes me. Sometimes he can be so patient and other times he'll lose his cool over something very trivial! Needless to say, I wasn't allowed to fish after those experiences. We did have fun though. The boys discovered an uprooted tree that quickly became a fort, so we spent the latter part of our expedition playing on the tree! All in a day's play!
The boys got their report cards yesterday. Scott and I were both afraid of opening Jonas', but we were pleasantly surprised with the report. He got all 3's on most everything, but his weakest subject was his "recognizing his letters." Last night we went over the letters that Mrs. Vidal said he didn't know, and surprise, surprise, he knew them all! We got a chuckle over the comment that Mrs. Vidal wrote on his report card, "...Jonas' jovial nature and sense of humour makes him an enjoyable member of this classroom!" Seamus' report card was exceptional (to no surprise). He had all 4's and a couple of 3's. His lowest comment was again in music in "singing to a melody!" I guess I passed my tone deafness on to Shay! We are very proud of the boys accomplishments in school! (I just hope Jonas will share his knowledge with his teacher!)
Gavin has graduated into the "playroom". We spent the weekend setting up shelves to put the breakable (and expensive) Mega Blok dragons sets up high. Everything is set up for all the boys with the VHS, their movie chairs and all of their toys. Gavin thinks he is a big boy now that he is allowed to play "down" (as he calls it)! I can't believe he will be two at the end of the month. Even more unbelievable is the fact that Seamus will be 8! Scott said to me the other day, "we've been together how long?"
"Too long to remember!" I responded.
I am still going strong with my new "lifestyle". I was disappointed because I gained a pound at the end of last week. I also added .5 inch on to my arms. I cried to Scott, "but I don't want to look like Popeye!" He reassured me that the weight gain was part of muscle forming! (I sure hope he's right!)
Today it is nice, nice, nice out! 3 nices equal a beautiful spring-like day! Later this afternoon I will take the boys for a walk.
Nothing else is new to report. Here is a thought for the day:
"You should study not only that you become a mother when your child is born, but also that you bcome a child."-Dogen
Scott and I did comment to each other on Sunday afternoon how funny it was that the whole family was playing in the fort of the uprooted tree! (we did get a couple of strange looks from passerbys)
Enjoy your day!

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